

by Dimitris Agartzidis

Directed by: Dimitris Agartzidis & Despina Anastasoglou | Elephas tiliensis


July 27, 2018
Father died suddenly – does anyone ever expect that? – and it was what we call a slow river.
The mother’s admirers – and there were many – shouted to her in the street: “Doll, you are like sugar on sugar”. But that day her face was not sweet.
The phone rings and somewhere in there it starts to ring. The doubt.
Anyway, this is where the story begins.
In the Greece of the crisis, the sudden phone call announces what no one expected. Father died. Suddenly. Nothing prepared them. Except, perhaps, for his gaze which was always low. And hazy since his sister died, the last person to remind him of his own past. He never looked anyone in the eye. They never talked in the house anyway. Feelings, thoughts, accusations, loves, betrayals. Everything went into them
such as air molecules. They were entering their lungs without realizing it.
And yet, no matter how much he didn’t believe it, he always knew deep down that something was wrong.
The next day, July 28, he saw the bank accounts were all empty. Father didn’t even leave money for the funeral. They cut off the electricity and water. The paternal house, (they got a call from the bank), had mortgaged it.
In the basement were found photos, pornographic photos, to be precise, with a second woman. So that’s where he disappeared at noon. And the icing on the cake, two days after the funeral, the fat teenage girl knocks on the door
sister. Where did she grow from?
So the suspicions became reality.

The Holy Greek Family, a unique species, assimilates centuries of oppression and conservatism. Always within it is Love and outside it lurks Chaos. Anything that threatens her automatically becomes an enemy. So we are left with a legacy of Guilt. But tonight, behind the mirror everything will have a happy ending, because the mirror is a one-way mirror and behind it hides a Truth.
This Truth will be revealed to him and he will get rid of all this once and for all. Yes, once and for all.
A play about the agonizing sadness that comes with the end, when all certainties collapse. For the moment when we are called to stand in front of the lie and renounce the legacy that they have burdened us with.


Directed by:
Stage – Costumes:
Dimitris Agartzidis, Despina Anastasoglou
Lydia Andrioti
Nausicaa Christodoulakos
Sophia Mavragani
Anastasia Giannaki
Evangelia Scropola
Dimitris Agartzidis, Tatiana Anna Pitta, Elina Rizou


The show is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture & Sports


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