The lady of the sea



“The lady of the Sea”
Henrik Ibsen’s play from Elephas tiliensis

The myth of the mermaid who sacrifices her tail to live with the man she loves inspires the Norwegian writer “The Lady of the Sea”. A hot, vibrant fairy tale transforms into urban drama that clearly shows its infinite and recalling our vital need to hear and tell the oldest stories because they are moving and curing us.

Elinda Wangel, a lighthouse keeper’s daughter, a child on the high seas, lives a depressed life with her husband, a doctor, and his two daughters, from a previous marriage, to a place blocked and suffocating. She feels imprisoned and dreams of the sea. The summer swims daily in the lake. One day she loses her senses in the water and a strange man saves her. He invades the family cage and aggravates the balance.

Ibsen places two unrelated systems – an erotic trio and the rational and tidy family universe – and confronts us with the cracks of the western way of thinking and our need to interpret and classify everything, even to cure them.
A European hysteria.
All of us, in a wider social context, are looking for our personal space and a place where we can be free. But we are not trained to be free. Free from nationalities, free of our sex, free from our country, free of the oppression of the people next to us. We all dream of the sea as a place where we can feel free from holding prisoners in everyday difficulty. Is the sea open? We have the beach at our feet but we are afraid to swim. Are we supposed to be free?
A black comedy about our personal responsibility in our freedom.

The text is based on the translation of Margarita Melberg, published by Nefeli publications.

Dramaturgy, Direction
Music training:
Voice training :
Set, Costumes
Light designer:
Dimitris Agartzidis

Mislav Režić
Giorgos Paterakis
Magdalene Avgerinou
Betty Dramisioti
Vassilis Klotsotiras
Vicky Katsika, Aris Balis, Dimitris Agartzidis, Tatiana Anna Pitta, Maria Moschouri

The play was sponsored by the Ministry oh Culture and Sports


Neos Kosmos Theatre


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