The shepherdess | Anonymous



The Shepherdess Anonymous
The masterful pastoral romance written in Crete in the 16th century by Elephas tiliensis

A shepherd meets in the countryside a shepherdess and gets faintly beaten by her beauty.
A work for a time when the shepherds are beaten from love, the Eros keep bows, the lovers sigh, the caves are idyllic, the love easy and the death easy. A gothic fairytale, dark and bright, based on “a romantic episode, in the island of Crete”, “beneficial to anyone who wants to avoid love and passions of the flesh.”
The “Shepherdess” was considered to be a spontaneous creation of the popular life of Crete, a song of the shepherds, as a folk song, while later it was recognized its artistic character and its literary value. Contemporary of Erofili and Katzourmbo, written in Cretan dialect, is the only sample of its kind that has reached to our day and the most important one in the Greek literature and in the European pastoral poetry of the time. It was first published in 1627.
With an old language that shines like a new one, we discover the first sounds. By vehicle the voice and the musicality we talk about the first feeling, the absolute feeling, a little while before the soul is involved with psychology, about the first love bordering on death, about the return to the simplicity imposed by the body..

Light designer:
Dimitris Agartzidis, Despina Anastasoglou

Pantelis Nikiforos
Ioannna Plessa
Magdalene Avgerinou
Betty Dramisioti
Melina Mascha
Penelope Tsilika

Pantelis Nikiforos


Theatre tou Neou Kosmou


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